Tuesday, November 15, 2011

MEN: do you find women who cook in lingerie and heels y?!?

i seldom cook, but when i do, i love to cook in high heels and skimpy y attire! "a woman in the kitchen" seems like such a stereotype to me and i like to go all out and fulfill that stereotypical role...haha, so i ask you, men, would you be turned on if you found out your girl did this? or would it turn you off? lemme know! such an act is seemingly degrading, but i find it highly enjoyable =D

Help me pick an artist to study-- it's for a beginers art appreciation cl... read on!?

I'm in a college level beginners art appreciation cl. We are to pick an artist to study during the course of this summer semester and apply what we learn towards evaluating the particular artist we choose, and compile a mive paper--- which will be the majority of my grade. I'm totally illiterate when it comes to art-- can you please help me-- give me some suggestions on what may be some simpler artists to study, and who are well know! Thank you for your help!! I really appreciate it!

What percentage of your clothes is sports related???

Id say about 25% of my clothes are...My home town Houston Astros has the most(15 shirts/hats)then the Houston Texans (9 shirts/hats) and the Houston Rockets(7 shirts and hats):)

Good debate name for Saltwater Crocodile?

Ok so, we're doing a debate in school. Which one would win in a fight: A Great White Shark or a Saltwater Crocodile? I'm on the Saltwater Crocodile team and we are trying to come up with name for our debate team. I'm looking for something more original than just The Saltwater Crocodiles.

What Is A Traditional Lebanese Breakfast Dish.?

There's a kind of breakfast pizza called "manouche", topped with toasted sesame seeds, ground sumac, and thyme. I've put a link to a recipe for it below.

How can I improve this recipe for French Dips in the Crock Pot?

Today I made a recipe for French dips with the beef cooked in the crock pot. The recipe called for a rump roast (fat trimmed), 1 can beef broth, 1 can condensed French onion soup, and 1 beer, all thrown into the crock pot and cooked on low for 7 hours. The meat was cooked but it was tough. It didn't fall apart like I expected. The au jus was bland. It didn't have that strong onion flavor. What went wrong, and what can I do to improve this recipe?

Is Bobby Cutts,(that humanoid) going to scape what he deserves(the Death Penalty?

I just saw the reading of the chargeson tv, and it seems that he is found guilty of first degree murder in a lot of the EXCEPT the first one the jury found him guilty but not of aggravated first degree murder, what's going on?? It makes my blood boil to see this oj simpsonesque circus!!!!!!

Is there a song/singer whose music i can download for my project on persian gulf war?

this war was btwn iraq and kuwait in 1991 and i am doing a powerpoint on it. i have to be able to burn the music to a disc and teh music is due tommorow for history cl. if any one knows some music even if it doesn't have words please let me know. but it has to go with the them eof war or the two countries in some way. thank you

I think La Liga, EPL, & Serie A need some cheerleaders?

no way!!! cheerleaders already ruin all the other sports!! besides, i think la liga players are enough eye candy as it is :)))

Products of Zinc Sulfate and Sulfuric Acid?

the third reaction is the same as the second. to get rid of excess zinc is to add more sulfuric acid to completely react all the Zn in the second equation.

My boyfriend is being weird with me?

my boyfriend of nearly 2 years is being off with me, and i dont know why, we had on friday, cause it was his birthday on that day,then the day after i went to town with my bestfriend to get some baby clothes for our child without asking him, and he started shouting at me, saying that i should of told him to come with me, then he wouldnt text me all day, then he finally text me, saying 'ill text you in a bit im playing footie x' he sent me that at 4:50, and i text him at 9:00pm saying have you finnished yet? and he hasnt replied, i text him about 5 times, and he hasnt text back, i dont know why hes doing this to me, im 14 by the way, he stays at my house sometimes, as we have a 15 month old baby boy together, my boyfriend is muslim, and hes 16, we are engaged, and when i turn 18 we are going to get married, his parents are fine with it, as i plan on taking up their religion, and please no nasty comments, as i know you will all think im a tart for having in the first place, i just want advice, thanks.

2month 1 week old baby, too young for nursery?

i would never leave my baby with strangers at that age....if your husband makes good money - stay home & be with your son....this time will never come again with him...they grow so fast. a bigger house is not worth the trade off...let that wait!

Italian L'Imperfetto Indicativo (Imperfect Indicative)?

I'm in the 10th grade, can anyone please explain to me when the imperfect indicative is used in Italian in a simple way? Don't just give me a website, I've looked at websites on it...

What to do? Secret Interim?

The tickets are not a problem. Yes,list your family members even if it's your parents who have the most contact. It's easier to list them then to try and explain why you didn't when they show up on the investigation.

What are the nice areas of Leeds to buy a house in?

I'm thinking of buying in Pudsey (Lowtown), Woodlesford (near train station), Rothwell (along Wood Lane) and maybe Kirkstall (but that's close-ish to the Hawksworth estate). Which is the nicest place for shops, parkland and dare I say it...no smy peeps!

Freeway? Memphis Bleek?

I remember hearing a song on MTV suckerfree countdown that was with freeway or memphis bleek or both but i type in there names and nothing comes up that i remember. Another important fact is that it was a basketball themed song with the beat being basketball noises soooo if you can help please.

Now that English is not my language , should I honor or dishonor it ?

I've been typing grammatically correct since the 6th grade, which happened to be last year. Honor English, my friend. Haha.

Is this man really a friend?

Wow! How annoying! I think you need to talk to your partner first and let him know the truth about what happened when you two were broken up. Once he's got a complete understanding about that, I think you should ask HIM to talk to his friend. It's HIS friend so he should be the one to put his foot down.

I am meeting an Ex- Teacher of mine to tutor me...where is the beset place to meet?

He is not a teacher anymore at the school we were both at...so we cant meet there anymore. He just tutors now..so we were debating on where to meet. Any ideas?? He said he could do librarys, or my house...but I am alittle weary of him coming to house. (I live alone...and idk...its wierd) We were going to maybe have a lunch or something and then just hang there and work on stuff..but I dont think resturants would appreciate us sitting there for that long of time....

Why my dad always beat me?

why my dad will beat my backside when i do something wrong? after being beaten by my dad. i can't even touch my backside& sit. i don't want to be beaten already...why i can't sit for 3 days after being beaten by dad?

What's it like to be a best mate? any advice? x?

I was best mate with a girl called amy and she thought i was being funi with her and quiet, I was going through some trouble with a guy i was with for nearly 1 month and he left me. Later on throughout the week amy started ditching me then got a girl o thepone and started threatening me. i know it sounds pathetic and childish but i just want someone to hang with now and again, i have my mum but what shall i do , i am alsways moping aound the house and i wnat to get out more help please x

Had bfp last friday and last saturday i had a chemical pregnancy. how do i know when i'm ovulating?

the doctor said it's ok for me to start trying again since i was only 4 weeks pregnant when i had a miscarriage. i used ovulation test when i got pregnant last month, but how do i know when to start testing again? was day 1 of my cycle when i started to bleed with early miscarriage? or will i get another "actual period"? i hear so much from people saying they got pregnant immediately after a chemical pregnancy, so i'm keeping my hopes up.

Please edit my Spanish paper!?

Cu�ndo tuvo trece a�os, yo viv� en Oaxaca y alguien me plagi� y fui golpeado por un carro. Esto fue una experiencia inolvidable y fuerte, porque he aprendido mucho de ello. Hice errores y yo fui perdido, y por eso alguien ellos me plagiaron. La inteligencia acerca de una acciones es muy importante crear un ambiente seguro. Mis acciones cambiar�n mi futuro. Poseer� un mapa cuando estoy en un nuevo ambiente, para que yo no me pierda. Debo ser m�s consciente acerca del ambiente y las personas alrededor de m�. Cu�ndo yo estoy solo en una tormenta, yo llevar� la paraguas de colores brillantes para que mis padres podr�n reconocerme. �Yo no entrar� los carros con extranjeros! Pero sobre todo, me despertar� cuando mis padres me despiertan para la escuela, en lugar dormir y tener esta pesadilla...

Constipation or Diarrhea?

Don't do either right now. Drink alot of water increase exercise and fiber in the future, and for now wait it out. Sounds like constipation because little turds are not involved with diarrhea.

Which teams currently under .500 will be over .500 next season?

I think the Texans. I know they're a very inconsistent team. One week they look like a threat to make the playoffs, then the following week they play like garbage. But, I think they will bounce back and finish 9-7 for the 3rd straight season.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How do you do an internal citation MLA style?

I'm doing a paper for my U.S. History cl and I wanted to know how to do an internal citation when you use a website. So the website is say Wikipedia and there is only one page so would it be, "Sentence blahh blahh blahh (Wikipedia 1)"? I know how to do it with books just not internet. And remember, it has to be MLA format and an internal citation not in like a bibliography on a seperate page.

Do you like to tell jokes when you are having fun with your friends?

Does everyone have a relative who does the one about the running over with vehicles? I am disappointed to find out that is common. Well really I am a bit horrified.

Why do people think its hard to replace a bios chip, the instructions seem straightforward enough?

Lets get it clear here. Are you talking about reflashing a bios? no its not hard if you are careful. If you mean to physically replace the chip, its way beyond your abilities. Make your questions clear in here if you want good answers.

What are some stores that are similar to pac sun?

Zummiez! It's a really awesome store. They have super cute shirts, and such. It's way better than pacsun, in my opinion. Check it out.(:

GIRLS: are these signs that she likes me?

sorry this is kinda long. were 13 in 7th grade we just me this year were both popular and we dont talk that much but we talk a little bit. i dont have her #. idk if she likes me or wat. she sits next to me in homeroom and another cl. btw her names megan she talks to her friends about me. me her and like 4 of my friends were in the lunch line me and my friends were messing around and she said like come on guys alex is the only 1 being mature here even tho i was being just as annoying as the others. another time megan and her friend were in the lunch line i walked past like 20 feet away and she yelled hey alex i looked ar her she smiled and yelled no cutting alex. in cl she and her friends were talkin about spongbob idk y and she said i bet alex thinks were nuts. in the same cl one person asked wat our homework was we both held ours up and she kept saying hers is better and like poking me and laughing. my friend told her who i used to like and she smiled at me and was teasing me about it. i was late to homeroom the teacher said alex ur late and she was like alex tsk tsk tsk! over spring brake i went to florida we came back the teacher asked if anyone went out of state i said i went to florida and the teacher said "alex got a tan we should all want to slap him" so she started playfullly slapping me. we have animals in our homeroom my friend gave me it but he dropped it while handin it to me i caught it she yelled from across the room nice catch alex tht was a close one. me and my friend had to carry a big project downstairs and i almost dropped it she said alex! dont drop it! and smiled at me. yesterday this kid mikey was being annoying so she pulled me aside and said just me and u will call him mickey and she smiles at me alot. and today, me her and a few other friends hav this inside joke where we like hit each other on the chin (dont ask its weird) and she always tries so get me. so does she like me and should i ask her out or try to become better friends?

Anyone that has read Macbeth?

I am looking into the Macbeth destiny theme on whether or not the book demonstrates that we control our destinies. Does anyone know of three examples (can be any character) that demonstrates that we do control our destiny. Thanks sooooo much! I promise to give the person who answers accurately first the Best Answer.

What was the Darkest Day in Professional Wrestling History?

Is there a single day in wrestling that stands out in your mind as the Darkest Day in Professional wrestlin? Was it the Benoit controversy? Maybe the Owen Hart Tragedy? The Backstage Murder of Bruiser Brody?


Well thats a start wait till he text you back then talk casually about things like school, work, church, goals, ideas, ask what he likes to do for fun. You know talk about things you got in common with him. Ask how is he and his family.

How do I get past internet filters?

I know its against policy, and I KNOW there always watching, but I need to get past it. The filter is from "8e6", & is the hardest in the world. Whats the one thing that will work. 10 points to the one that makes it work. And it has to be freeware. Thanks in advance!

Please help life falling to pieces, thoughts of suicide. might be because i smoked weed for my first time?

ok so about 2 months ago i smoked weed for my very first time. i smoked like a cig size blunt in 2 days. the first day i didnt feel anything but the second day i felt the "high" felling and hated it. about 4 days after that ive been getting panic attacks. an top of that when im not haveing panic attacks my life feels like a dream 24\7. like i honestly feel like im in a dream, and i feel like a have no control over anything, i see things like their bigger or smaller then normal, i c people in hd, people look like 3d cardboard cut outs, when i touch my face it feels wierd, sometimes i get dry mouth....im never smoeing weed again, i kno 100% it wasnt laced, and i feel if the feling doesnt go away soon i might kill myself....i tell you guys the truth because i want to get fixed, can you please tell me what to do

Can I move a message from one topic to another?

I'm the moderator for my Group. Sometimes, people post messages in an existing topic and I would like to move them to a new topic. Is this possible?

Rate this WWE No Mercy matchcard + What did you think of the Sheamus/Santino feud?

Chavo in the main event? That sucks.. It's a decent PPV, apart from Chavo in the main event.. Also Haymen vs Kurt Angle?? Why not add Angle instead of Chavo in the scramble match and add an extra mid card match, maybe Rob van dam vs Booker T and one other thing, The Basham Brothers sucks change it to The Duddley Boyz.

Mariah Carey look alike?Pics included.?

OMG ! All those times my little sister made me watch those Cheetah Girls movies and I never realised that ! Yeah they do look alike.

I need this translated to english.?

add nea,tax mkkta nea dun,tapux teh,nkta qu c evan lang inadd,tapux sbi ni evan,un daw at ung nag ppm xknya..kaatar..dpat ba qng maatar?

Can any one Help me fig out life ?

i am 21 an its my b-day i don't wont to do anything y i sold all my stuff for no reason quit my job an now I'm facing haveing now were to live an i really dont know y I'm doing all this i just need advice what to do i cant take it no more i get ahead an i do the dumbest **** ever

Could I own a Samoyed?

Well considering you live in an apartment I think you would be better off with an American Eskimo Dog. Do a little research to see if the breeds are alike enough

Question regarding my snake?

its normal for some snakes. Don't worry. If its cold, it will move to a warmer spot. And if you're that worried (sometimes if freak because i think my snake is missing when its just hiding...) then buy a hubble or log or something it can use for cover. I've got a rat snake and he does the same thing even though he's got his log. I think he does it to mock me because i named him Ninja.

Where can I find Java source code for Face Detection?

The library is OpenCV -- C code. The Java Wrappers for OpenCV you will find at Google Code JavaCV. You will need to know OpenCV before you can begin.

Why is it that no one believes that Obama is bad for this country?

Not only do I believe that Obama may be the antichrist, I can guarantee you that he will swear over the Koran IF he gets into office. So even though we have the whole"religious freedom," This country was based on the foundation of Christianity.

If my biological Grandfather happened to be Howard Hughes, would anything happen?

He paraded around with lots of ladies, so, its possible he fathered a child or two. You need to take a DNA test but you also need his DNA to test against. You would first need gigantic proof you are related to allow them to exhume the body because they would say no. He was reportedly married three times. The last in 1949 without divorce. But much of his wealth was eventually divided up between 22 cousins. Maybe one of them will give up DNA to prove you are related. The mechanics and inheritance dealing out of an intestate will has been satisfied by the courts. Although you'd not get money with proof you'd get bragging rights.

If info on my traffic ticket is inaccurate, when to I bring it up? Is it grounds for dismissal?

Unless he wrote you for an expired registration plate this error would have no bearing on your citation and would not make a difference in the charge. You can bring it up in court but minor errors (especially ones that have absolutely nothing to do with the charge) are not normally grounds for dismissing the case. The court personnel might get a much needed moment of levity out of this but it probable won't be a Perry Mason moment for you.

Sat oops..?

Well, maybe you were going too fast. This site: a href="http://www.number2.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.number2.com//a has some test taking strategies and study quizzes for the SAT.

Can you help me not starve to death,whit a recipe whit only this?

I have some rice,4 tomato's,olive oil,egg plants and a bread wand.How am i suppose to make something whit only that?

Looking to get into MMA but don't know how to start?

I'd suggest first that you loo for an MMA gym. They will usually offer separate cles in striking and grappling. It's usually BJJ and Muay Thai, but sometimes also boxing, Judo, submission wrestling, or whatever. You can (and probably will) train those martial arts separately, then combine them in MMA cl.

Oysters in a pint jar?

can you steam oysters that are bought from grocery store that are in the pint jars with the liquidy stuff

Help with a biology question please?

Can anyone describe the normal processes of digestion and absorbtion that would occur after ingesting a lactose drink?

How much weight could I lose in one month?

REALISTICALLY and HEALTHILY. By eating well (no junk food, refined carbs,etc more fruit, veg, lean meats) and exercising for an hour everyday. What is the MAXIMUM amount of weight I could in one month?

Does the fact that there are lots of sick sites on the net mean that child abuse is very widespread?

I don't mean average ,but the stuff alluding to forcing or co-ercing young people into / seems to pop up as a choice on most of the more run-of-the-mill sites.Surely this just gets potential pervs riled up to do things?I mean,these images must come from someone's personal life.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Zina sins erase after marriage in islam?

I know it's a little too far-fetched to ume that after marriage, the sins of zina that you have committed with previous boyfriends are still there and not forgiven or pardoned unless you do tawba. But after marriage, do the sins of zina (adultery) that you have committed with your fiance (now husband) before marrying him pardoned or automatically erased now that the two of you are legally and islamically together anyway? Please support your answers with proof from the sharia (quran or sunna) or answer to the best of your knowledge if no proof exists..

Symbolic Meaning of a Safe Without Door?

I recently had a dream where there was a safe in my room. The safe was face down and when i turned it over there was no door. There was nothing on the inside of the safe except three numbers in a vertical column: 98 63 87. These numbers seem really high for a safe combination. I later found the door to the safe in my dream and there was no combination lock on the front of the door. What is the meaning of the safe without a door?

Installing a vent/ chimney for a wood stove?

In California the vent for a wood burning appliance must be triple wall metal or double wall stainless steel with isulation in between. It comes in even inch sizes depending on the size of the appliance. It is quite expensive and usually cost more than the stove. Minimum clearances must also be observed from combustible materials during installation.Flue pipe, vent, chimney, in your case they all mean the same.

In need of a diagnosis??!!?

Your gas company needs to check the supply, and also you need to get all of them to the doctor while they have visible symptoms. Blue lips are a worrying sign of pollution.

What the Heck is goin on im starting to freak out?

about 2weeks ago I missed one of my birth control pills and then the next mornin woke up and took it bc i felt crampy to get back on track i took the next one that same night at the normal time. The last two days iv been takin the sugar pills so i can start my period and im not at all.the last two weeks iv bled a lil every day, not heavy but enough to wear a panty liner and now im worried why my period hasnt started yet bc i start a new pack wed! HELP!!!

Want to know relation between monetary policy and bank deposit and lending rates?

want to know relation between monetary policy and bank deposit and lending rates. Can the expected monetary policy be used as a indicator of how the short term deposit rates would be affected and hence can an investment strategy be layed out. like deposit when then deposit rates would be high?

How does one go about getting a show that rivals SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE?

I love satirical shows, but I'm not impressed with SNL...how can I get a TV channel to produce my show?

Do carnivores have the same visual tract arrangement as humans?

Humans have visual tracts where the left side of each retina is processed on the right side of the visual cortex and vice versa. I seem to remember this arrangement is unique to primates and closely related orders of mammal. Carnivores presumably evolved binocular vision separately. Do they have a similar arrangement to us or does the whole of each retina cross over to opposite sides, or something else?

Why do i get periods of frenzy?!?

Every few months i get this thing where life kinda speeds up for a few minutes and everything goes frantic, it fells like im kind of in a frenzy and rushing around, why is this? I know its in my mind.


i bought some yarn and a 9mm needle i wanna make a beanie or a dread tam but every vid i find is mad fast and all the patterns are confusing does anyone know a simple way for me to learn how to make hats??????? it cant really be that hard right ??


Christianity is nothing more than a cult with tax exempt status and a terrorist organization that breeds evil and eliminates free will of it's followers. Christianity kills spirituality as well as individuality.

What is Minesweeper's algorithm when you right-click the board?

I am trying to program a game using Java (comparable to Microsoft's Minesweeper) but cannot figure out the algorithm used when you right-click in Minesweeper. Obviously the game checks the state of surrounding tiles, but i'm having trouble explaining it in plain English. I appreciate any help!

Why do we know Dante and Michaelangelo by their first names?

maybe their first names were unique enough to stand out more than their last names. I'm not really sure, but this is a great question.

What is the navy DEP like?

I know i already asked this question but i put it in the wrong section lol. But i was wondering if anyone who was overweight entered this program and successfully joined the navy with the help of the recruiter.

English-Italian dictionary with open/closed accents?

collins has very good bilingual dictionaries. you can find them at any borders or barnes and noble bookstores.

A question about the movie"sixth sense" with bruce willis and halley joel osment?

the bruce willis character dies by getting shot by a former patient,this makes him now dead.now as the little creepy boy sees dead people,is bruce willis a ghost that the boy is seeing

Agree or Disagree, Wrestlemania XXVI was crap compared to Wrestlemania 21,Why?

JBL and Cena had a woeful match and Batista vs. Triple H was underwhelming. I think that Cena and Batista had a better match than Batista/HHH and Cena/JBL. HBK and Undertaker had better matches than HBK/Angle and Taker/Orton, and the Jericho vs. Edge was pretty good as well. The reason 21 seems better was that it was longer ago, and it seems the older you get the more apathetic you grow to the product.

Should I Try This (I'm Very Confused)?

Yes, that is a good weight. I'm sure you know it's not unusual for a ball python to stop feeding. My males stop feeding the entire winter during breeding season. Although I'm not the biggest fan of veterinarians, yours sounds pretty knowledgeable. Try feeding in the cage like she said. It's not true that it causes food aggression, this is a myth ped around by beginners. I have 250 snakes and feed all in their cage and I never get bitten when reaching in for them. If they're a little feisty, I just pull them out with a snake hook. Okay, back to the feeding. She's right about the gerbils. They are a native African rodent and can trigger a ball python to feed. I haven't heard the baby rabbit thing, but if you can find African soft furred rats where you live, get one. I haven't had to use them, but I know several other breeders who swear by them. They said they've had ball pythons that wouldn't eat anything no matter what they tried, but instantly took the African soft furred rats. Good luck, but I wouldn't worry too much.

Writing Project??? Please help!?

Is there a limit, a theme, or a subject you should focus on? The phoenix is neat - what's wrong with it?

Haunting music like ENIGMA?

Evanescence is pretty haunting, but the beat is slow and steady. Dead by April is pretty good, but many of their songs feature screaming. Emilie Autumn has a "Victorian" style, so you might find some pretty nice music from her.

What is the difference of the Samsung SN-124 and the Samsung SN-124P. ?

I have research this and all i found out is that the SN-124P can have firmware updates, But can the SN-124 have them too. Is there any difference what so ever. And if there is no or little difference, can i update my Samsung SN-124 with the SN-124P firmware?

WWC Desecration +WQ 2.........?

For kayfabe, I will not promo and I will be out of the next show because of what Bolts did. When I come back, I will be a face and interfere in Bolts' match.

Why do some people insist?

because these people don`t see or feel anything for whom is asking for help,there is no feeling since fingers only type a message that can be insulting or complimentary to others,the Internet a place with no heart a place with no face a place where people can claim to be someone else , a place where evil and good come alive. The Internet ... a place to get lost a place to find answers sometimes correct and sometimes wrong at the end of the day we can only trust our instincts.

What was Oj's sentence? I hear different things?

First i hear its 15-33 years, then 9-33 years, then 6 to life... Which is it?? Could he be eligible for parole in a few years?? I sure hope not!

How much is this ring worth?

you only give us the size of the gemstones, nothing about the quality or the overall design of the ring. Gold has risen in price since 2 years ago, but on the other hand, the design might just be 'so yesterday', impossible to say without photos.

Wheres a good place to have an 18th birthday party in ATL?

I'm not a major clubber but i want some place festive but not ....sleezy lol. I want to go to dinner then mayb to a movie, or play, or arcade or sumthing. Any ideas on restaurants or places to hang?

Do you have any suggestions for my senior quote?

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." ~ John Lennon ~ "Beautiful Boy"

Simple Nuclear Physics Question (urgent)?

When a particular isotope decays, it emits (among other things) a γ ray that has a wavelength of 1.42 10-11 m. Determine the energy (in MeV) of this γ ray.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Whats the Movie that start with an "M"?

Theres this movie I saw a long time ago. The movie starts of with a couple with one boy bringing a new daughter. They put the daughter in the trunk. The daughters name start with an M. The movies is about this girl. Her parents are really mean to her. The girl who make breakfast by herself, go to the library alot. In the end of the movie she gets adopted by her teacher who noticed that she was really smart. The girls mom is very tall while her dad is short. Does anybody no the name? I really lke the movie. Thanks!

When was the soviet union most powerful?

My math tutor (who lived in the soviet union) realized its down fall with a single billboard. he used to teach at a university. while in st. petersburg, he saw a sign in the late 60s to early 70s that said something along the lines of "Bus drivers! unhappy? come work in moscow! you will be guaranteed the same (wage) as that of teachers in universities!" he said that fixing everybody's wages as equal was what really caused the fall of the soviet union. when asked when it was most powerful, he said under Stalin, as it was under his dictatorship when a professor made 500 times as much as a custodian (for example). what do you think?

How long do i bake chicken wings?

I have two dozen thawed chicken wings (drummetes) that have been marinating in a jerk sauce for about 24 hrs. I've been googling how long to bake them (i don't have a deep fryer nor do i feel like pan frying) and I've gotten everything from 325-450 for 30mins-1.5 hrs. Any suggestions?

Has anyone seen the multiplayer teaser for black ops?

Yeah, those trailers are real so those guns and maps you see are going to be in the game. I'm pretty excited for the game. It is 60 bucks for the regular pack. It is 80 bucks for the hardened pack. And I think there is a legendary pack for like 120 but i forget. I think the regular pack is the only one left now though.

A Bachelor of Arts... in Science?!?

Many liberal arts colleges (and perhaps some other schools) offer Bachelor of Arts degrees in biology, chemistry, physics, geology etc. These degrees indicate that the students have a strong background in the liberal arts in addition to being well-prepared in their majors. The courses their students take in the major are similar to those taken by science majors at other colleges and universities.

How do I tell her I love her?

if you honestly feel that you do love her and you have to tell her, then you should tell her, but you have to be prepared that it may not be reciprocated, its definitely a risk, but would you rather spend more time with someone you love but who may/may not love you back?

Can we put a 6ft x 3ft slate bed pool table in a large upstairs bedroom? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!?

i should imagine you would be ok with that,its going to be no heavier than a full set of wardrobes and a bed and mattress,not to mention a chest of drawers,yeah you should be fine.

Christians do you agree with this poem?

perfect poem It shows that not all Christians are mean and hating! I wish more would be like this! this is what all religions should be like there would be more peace in this world Thank you for sharing this poem!

I am 18 and looking to purchase a better car. Which would you recommend?

I have about $6000 for a down payment, and plan on purchasing a vehicle for roughly $10,000. I want something that is moderate as far as gas mileage gos, but gas mileage is not my concern. I want something clean, and powerful. Definately a car. Im considering buying a 2001-newer Volkswagen GTI, A 2000-newer Toyota Celica GT-S, a 2002 Subaru WRX (not sti), or a 1998-newer Honda Prelude. Which would you recommend? or do you have any other suggestions of cars that you would recommend?

Recipe for Pork Hocks stews with Veg?

My mom is looking for a recipe for pork hocks that is a stew that you cook in a crook pot with Veg and potato

Do you think the crocodile hunter's daughter Bindi Irwin is homely?

That poor child is stone cold ugly. And for some reason the adult couched manner in which she speaks turns me off. I also think it's atrocious the way her mother is capitalizing on her. Comments?

What is the difference between the perfect subjunctive and the imperfect subjunctive form?

what is the difference beween the perfect subjunctive and the imperfect subjunctive form and how can you tell the difference?

Lookin for help/opinions?

i think the only thing you can do is keep seeing him and see if you stay together then just bite the bullet and let your family know ---- i cant say how i would be but i like to think i would accept ---- i should not talk ive fallen in love with a lady about the same age as my youngest (who is 26) so i know how you both feel ---- best wishes

Help me with this driving maneouver?

so i just u-turned and need get back to the otherside of the road. should i overtake that bus that also wants to u-turn or should i wait for the roundabout. quick replies please

The moon can be viewed from the earth because the moon is illuminated by the sun.?

True because even though we dont get sunlight on the dark side of the Earth, the Moon does get sunlight on its light side.

What does it feel like to need a HUGE poop?

i've never really pooped a big, soft, solid log b4 and have forgotten what it feels like to really "need" to go?! Can anybody tell me what it feels like and how i can do this?? i am 20 and have quite an unhealthy diet... i need to go now, but it is highly likely that it will be pebbles... i'm thinking about holding it in-- so it will eventually build up into a big turd... Sorry if i'm grossing you out.. its just a question to do with health..

My all of my kids have been lying to me? Help?

Let Liam and Violet go out. I don't find nothing wrong with it. Most likely if they have been hiding it for 2 � years they will be able to keep doing it anyway so just let them go out. If the PJ thing is bothering you, go buy her some granny footie PJ's. For the Rules, do things like no more . Tell them about teen pregnancy. No punishment for Lily. She was just doing common good for the household and her sister. For additional comments, I believe that Liam and Violet were very smart. I still cant figure out how they hid this for 2 � years! It seems so criminal, but for some reason I like it. Any ways, Best Wishes.

Isn't it interesting that Dems have already developed a strategy to sell a bill they haven't even ped yet?

yes that is pretty much what happens when the public is being governed by sophists on talk radio and TV, and in the pulpit when they are supposedly worshipping the invisible sky genie.

Good guitar with floyd rose?

Not sure what you want to spend, but I just bought an American Charvel San Dimas Wild Card Limited with a Floyd Rose and I am beyond happy with this guitar. They have actually quit making them in the US recently, I got the last American model in the store, but they are still out there. They sell for $1099 but are worth every penny and then some.

If i hyptnotize a big daddy can i get the achievement save all little sisters?

Little sisters just move into the vents until a new big daddy collects them if there is still a symbol for a little sister with a big daddy behind on the pause screen you can still get it just look on your map for a little sister symbol or wander around until you find a big daddy and follow him until he collects one

Plz help! Ques about cleaning bunnies cages!?

My bunnies live outside. They liv in a hut about 2 to 3 feet off the ground. When they poop The poop falls to the ground(they have a chicken wire bottom to thier cage) When i clean up the poop from the ground there is a terrible oder. Is there anything i can put on it to make it have less oder? I dont want to put harmful chemicals cause my bunnies will be breathing it in any ideas??? Thanks!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Freaky "vivian" e-mail?

I got an e-mail from "Noami Good" saying "she" got my e-mail from a forward. I got ANOTHER one from "Vivian Good". I did't open it but my friends got the same e-mail. They opened it and it said "Hi dear. I have been looking for you." They forwarded it to me and it said all this about becoming friends, and I'll send a pic of me if you reply and in capitol letters: I HAVE SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT. It's freaking me and my friends out and I was wondering if anyone else got the e-mail? It can't be a prank cuz no one really knows my e-mail exept my friends. Also, it said "it" got my e-mail from a forward but I don't even look at/p forwards. Anyone else have the same problem?

What Should I name my kangaroo webkinz?

I just got the kangaroo webkinz and I'm between a couple names, my favorite is Ruben. Do you guys have any other ideas? I could really use the ideas! Thanks!

Which two players should I keep in my Fantasy Baseball League?

Keep David Wright. Him and Ramirez fill two difficult positions with premium players. Hunter and Youkilis play easy to replace positions. Carpenter is a huge injury risk. Jered Weaver doesn't belong on this list. Hope this helps.

I love to experiment in the bedroom?

But have spilt hexo-chloro-ethane out of a round-bottomed flask and it's gone all over my duvet. Any ideas as to how I can remove the stain?

Has anyone here tried out for american idol?

if you have, whats it like? i heard you dont first audition in front of paula, simon, randy, and Kara..is this true? i really want to know if it's fun and worth trying out. thanks! (:

I don't think this is possible but me ol mates here lets proove the old fart wrong CAN THIS BE DONE??????

Ok heres the drill. Me and my friend here are arguing over burning DVD'S. He said if you have a DVD that has been burnt from the original source you should be able to back it up with the burnt one not the original. I have tried it so has he he cant figure it he said i know you can i said ping ding you thickheaded thing and he suggested we take the issue further.. I have tried it through Scuba Pete shrinker dycrypter DVD FAB Clone burn any DVD. It will crack the css dycrypt ok and ysis and encodes ok hence when the encoding gets to 99% No such luck. Will some computer intelligent person try to explain this. It is impossible in my opinion to burn a already burnt DVD hence if something someone knows out there forward us a link. Got A carton of beer on this one..

Looking for interpretation to my dream(s)?

from your description of your dreams and a general opinoin ...I'm gonna say that you are a dependable person and someone that people feel they can trust you because you show strength and concern for others. But I'm not a professional on this.

New invitees are complaining they need a yahoo e-mail account to obtain access to the group, is it required?

I understand it is 'yahoo groups', but new invitees complain they need a yahoo e-mail account to obtain access to the group webpage. In the past you could have any account to get access to our site to view the calendar or download files posted by the moderators. Has anyone discovered to 'toggle' of the yahoo sign in? Unfortunately 60% of my members use their work e-mail address.

Am I self employed (for IRS)if I have ebay sales and reporting the earning?

I have been selling few items on ebay and thru craiglist, mostly re-selling items for a profit. I kept an xl sheet doent of my costs and money received. I have not registered myself as a small business or self employed. I am (planning to report) the income on our tax returns. Does this qualify me as self employed (so that I can claim dependent care deductions, otherwise I cannot claim - spouse works, I have no w2 & turbo tax wont let me add ebay earnings as income for dep care purposes)

Best Neighborhood for families in Toronto?

Hi - I'm about to start looking for a place to rent in Toronto. The criteria are - 30 minutes commute to Bay Street banks. 3 Bd House with small garden. Walkable distance to shops and park for my wife and our children. Any suggestions very welcome. Thanks!

Is this a good guitar for beginners?

Honestly if you want to learn how to play a real sounding electric guitar then no. Even though this is an acoustic-electric guitar it will sound nothing like an electric guitar. If you want to rock out to green day get an all electric guitar. However if you like more clical music get the acoustic. You can mix the two but ts hard to pull off and will almost never sound the way you want. All guitars are good for beginners however you might want to by a cheaper one ( Not cheap school ones ) just so you can see if you are really committed before buying a $300-$500 guitar ( Or maybe more :D ).

Why do modern Feminists so often ask about or instruct men to "take their meds..."?

I think it's extremely disrespectful to say that to anyone, and an overall immature response to someone with an opposing viewpoint.

How can I make Iron (III) Chloride? (Ferric Chloride etchant)?

Hydrochloric acid and steel wool will make iron(II) chloride, not iron(III) chloride. An oxidising agent is required. FeCl3 can be made by the direct reaction of iron and chlorine gas.

I'm looking for hgh, and i want it to be similar to steroids just help me grow and get way buff.?

I'm looking for something ranging 50-70 dollars a month. I'm 16, and dont play any sports but i do compete in body building and ufc which lets me take hgh. Please only reply if you can help. I want the stuff that BArry bonds and Manny ramirez and a-rod take. Or something close to it

Help! Problems.. Un-Sanitary??

Get treatment for your phobias and teach the cat not to pee on peoples clothes. As for your uncle, kick him out.

Are women who fancy pretty boy effeminate men secretly biuals?

I mean, look at men like Zac Efron. Kid has no masculine tendencies whatsoever and yet there are a lot of women dropping at his feet. He can't possibly protect a girl, so why would a girl want to be with him unless she secretly liked women?

Should government force you to put all earnings in a bank & tax when you put it in then again on withdrawal?

Well you can bet that this lame duck Congress led by the sea hag will try to shove it through before they all get the boot in January ! People better wake up to just how much this will cost them !

Facebook how to search frnds problem....?

type the name of your friends into the search bar if you cant pull there profile up than they restricted people from searching for there profile

Is pilates or yoga better for "core"?

working out is better for the "core" ....yoga and pilates is low intensity men do high intensity...work out then pick them up at the end of cl :)

The synthesis of ATP is What reaction?

It is produced by photophosphorylation and cellular respiration (in a series of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions called the citric acid cycle) and used by enzymes and structural proteins in many cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility, and cell division.

What do you think of my back to school outfit?

This is a good idea of what I want to wear back to school. I just wanted to know what people thought of this outfit and my overall style. There are actually two outfits there, so you can tell which you like better and any improvements. Thanks! http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/app#foo

Playing College Football?

I will tell you what. Noel Devine (a player from the florida area) who nows plays for west virginia university is a superstar. He played a little in high school- as his average game was like 10 carries for like 300 yards. And he is probably going to even win the heisman this year in 2011. He will end up being like a top 5 pick in the NFL. He is a great story- and you can follow his story at: http://www.noeldevine.com - it's a great site to follow up on the superstar. His story is simply amazing.

Need some help trying to get consistent Kickflips on the Skateboard?

With any skateboard trick it's best to learn it rolling, rather than stationary. Keep your shoulders parallel with the skateboard and try to kick down whilst jumping up and forward all in one fluid motion.

Can an "Evangelical Christian" support a candidate who favors abortion rights and gay marriage?

If yes, how do you explain your position. By "support," I mean "vote for," "give money to," "work for," really anything that could be labeled "support."

Why am I always tired?

After a trip to the doctor, I changed my diet and lifestyle habits. It's been 3 months of healthy snacking all day with healthy proteins and cutting out sugars that give you momentary "highs" I do pilates and walk everyday and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but I am still on the brink of falling asleep most of the time unless I'm really engaged in something. What could be wrong?

Prob kinda stupid question but i need to know?

Ok me and my husband were wanting to buy a new car he wants me to get it in my name and everything but im 18 no credit and no job is there anyway to have like a co-signer sign and i could get the car it would be him but he is in the army and in the field and he was wanting me to try and get the car now i just wanted to see if there was any way to find out before i go to a dealership and make myself look stupid thanks for your help

Chemistry expression for the equilibrium constant?

products are over reactants, and only gases and aqueous go in the equation. you also use [ ] to separate them, and put the exponents on the outside. also that doesnt seem right, it should have an arrow going to the product side

Why has Facebook become more popular than Myspace.?

Hey guys, I'm doing a research paper in MLA format on the reasons to why Facebook now has more users than Myspace.

I'm looking for a good freeware .mp3 editor?

Something where I can take a music file that I already have in .mp3 format, edit it as the original file, cut out certain parts and have it automatically join the other remaining parts together (basically similar to the VirtualDub that works for movies, but for mp3's instead). Does such a program exist?

What is the name of this "song"?

My mom was listening to talk radio and the Dennis Miller show was on and this little music thing played in the background. The only thing I can describe it as is creepy organ music. It's pretty famous, but I don't know what it's called. Does anyone know what this song is called or any similar song like it? (I've heard similar creepy organ music)

Is 16 too old for nerf modding?

i'm 16 and have just found out about HvZ and was wondering if it would be weird to buy a cheap nerf gun and mod it just for fun (the gun in question would probably be a maverick) maybe have a shootout with my younger bro i'm not in a position 2 play proper HvZ but i suppose i could organize a very very small game

Have I eaten a bad oyster?

I brought some oysters today and I have eaten one that didnt have any fluid. When I have looked this up on the internet it said that this means that its 'bad' but it didnt have a nasty smell. Just no fluid. Does anyone know what this means?

How do you get realtek high definition audio driver for windows xp?

It's freeware, but when I try to get it via Google, I'm forced to go through a driver scanning application that requires me to register and pay, e.g. at http://www.brothersoft.com/realtek-high-definition-audio-driver-65158.html. Why is that??

Should Derby be worried about Robbie Savage's mad rant at Man City owners about sacking Mark 'Billy' Hughes?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSjUe0FyxQ" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSjUe0Fy…/a

How much does your 2 month old weigh and are they or formula fed?

My daugther weighed 12 lbs 7 oz. at her 2 month check-up (birth weight of 7 lbs 14 oz.) She is fed and apparently in the 85th percentile for weight. I am just curious what other babies weights are. My older child was a preemie and at 2 months only weighed 8 lbs and a few ounces. I know that she is healthy and normal just checking for curiousity sake.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Will we see a LA Dodger vs. Orange County Angels matchup afterall?

Yeah, I guess both east and west coast are hoping for the same thing. lol. hey, good luck to you guys and lets hope for controversial-free baseball.

Flight attendant "algorithms" - Penger rules?

Airlines would never put that stuff in writing on any accessible website. Thing that your asking about have no official policy other than the obvious like too much alcohol or no shoes or inappropriate clothing, offensive behavior or odor. But as far as having everything in writing I don't think so. You need to befriend a flight attendant and get the inside information.

How is this 2001 Mitsubishi Galant ES?

the question you should be asking yourself is "how did your friend treat the car?" ... like how did they drive it and did it get its regular maintenance on time or is it still running on the same oil it got at the factory ...... (it can happen.. Believe me!!) other than that yea... it seems like a good buy

LOGO IDEA?!?!!!??!?!?!?

I need a cool logo idea for a school! It doesnt have a mascot so just a random logo please (: Its a fake online school for our project! Thanks!

Oats and oatmeal question?

So I am making Monster cookies and the recipe calls for Quick Oatmeal. Is this the same thing as quick oats? Or what should I be using? Here is the recipe a href="http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/monster-cookies-recipe/index.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula…/a

Is this an example of man manipulating microevolution long before Darwin was born?

It seems like that might be, if you read it between the lines. The Bible has a lot of tricky language and it can be hard to tell. But that seems to be pretty much like the theory of natural selection.

Can i run Crysis or Crysis Warhead?

You will definitely not be able to play it at good frame-rates. You CPU is ancient for running Crysis, you GPU isn't much better and you RAM is minimum, plus you motherboard isn't really any good either. You are gonna need a new PC if you want to run it.

Who are your TOP 5 WWE female wrestlers of the past 10 years?

What do you mean those 5 girls have better in ring skills then trish? Trish is like the best diva ever just because shes not your fav dosent mean shes not good dude she could beat up all of those girls you just listed

Jeffrey Dahmer violated the "Thou shalt not kill" commandment, but it doesn't matter, he still went to Heaven?

He violated that one commandment, but he honored the "Waste Not Want Not" commandment by always eating his entire dinner.

Isn't it ironic that the people from Scandinavian countries who were known in the Ancient and Medieval World?

Mainly everyone in the "Medieval" times were barbaric..it wasn't just the Scandos. Norway may be wealthy, but it is very expensive..very expensive. I would rather live in the US where it's cheap.

Why did ancient cilvilizations develop in valley rivers such as the nile, indus, tigris and euphrates.?

Answers A-C are all valid in one way or another but the best answer is definitely A as survival was the main concern for early civilizations, and fresh water and fertile land for farming was essential.

Has NOW outlived it's reputation as a protector of women's rights for all women?

No, it's called LATER s Against the Egotistical Realman. I haven't heard about NOW in years actually.

What would be a good name for a fantasy world?

You could use one of many Greek mythological god's names, and make your place a planet. Avatar pulled this off well with Pandora, and made it beautiful.

Which gene causes auburn hair, HCL2 or MC1R?

I've read places saying its one MC1R variant allele, and others saying its HCL2 that's solely responsible for it. So, which one is it; the MC1R variant allele or the HCL2? If it is the MC1R variant allele, which one is it?

What's better one great player or an overall good team?

Okay, I hate to diss my peeps, but Auburn fans seriously. You know what sucks? We've got one good player. LITERALLY. One good player. So personally I don't care if he's better then Tebow, he's one guy. Our team is crap. Our defense is crap. And it's gonna come back to bite us in the backside. We're scraping by on luck most of the time. I honestly and I hate to say this but I don't think we should be number one. Bama's better then us. Oregon's better. Oklahoma's better. Ohio State's better. Heck Boise's better! I think it's more important to have an okay team as a whole rather then one great player? What do you think (Not just about Auburn)? Is having one great player better then having a good team as a whole?

What is your opinion on Evangelical Christians?

I already know what they believe in - I only want to know what you think of them and if you are Evangelical tell me your thoughts on the religion as well. It will be interesting to hear both sides of the coin. Thanks!

From the Clinton's and their people, to his pastor, to Jesses Jackson, are these people "BARRACKSTABBERS"???

Honestly, Obama keeps making it hard to get excited about supporting him. I won't be voting so much for Obama as against McCain--Whom is so spineless, he deeply concerns me.

Quandry, quagmire synonyms ??

what are synonyms for the word quagmire[definition:dilema] ??? or quagmire which means the same thing?? anything else with a q?

Are you allow to use foreign titles ex. Ing. and CSc. in a foreign country?

I'm from Slovakia and I have an undergraduate degree and graduate degree in metallurgy from there. I moved to Canada so I would like to know if I am able to use the titles Ing. and CSc. when I sign my name.

Do you know a song about a baby?

I'm making a slide show for my family of my nephew. he just turned 1. do you know any songs about babies? preferably not a lullaby or someting like that.

SIRIUS Radio static ?

I am having an issue with static when radio is played through the FM frequency in my car. I am aware of all the issues with radio frequencies and the antenna being a cause but here is the kicker, when you grab the AC power cord which powers the radio it sounds perfect, no static when I let it go static comes back. Although this is not all the time it is very irritating when it does happen. This is a new radio with a brand new power cord, I replaced my old cord on my old radio and it did not help so I thought it might be the old docking station connection. Is it possible that it might be an issue with my cigarette lighter or other interference from something else? Can I buy something or rig something up so I don't have to touch the cord to eliminate the static ? Ground it somehow ?

How do I figure out how I feel?

well if i REALLY like someone then i find myself thinking of them ALOT, sometimes instead of doing something i get distracted by thoughts of them, when i see them i get a punch feeling or like a chill in my whole body, i want to talk to them none stop... stuff like that

World history help please?

COs were used as stretcher crews, and hospital workers. Several won combat medals, selflessly trying to save the lives of soldiers under fire while refusing to fight.

Noahs flood, how did animals get to australia after this world wide flood?

Like many tales in the bible the Noah story is a myth borrowed and adapted over time to teach spiritual lessons. There are many flood myths and many claim it was world wide. Floods are common occurrences and are their devastation and destruction is easily understood. When you have no idea the extent of the world and all you know is flooded, it becomes a world wide flood to you. It also adds an important element to the myth's lesson or 'truth' being taught.

Why is everyone complaining about music?

why are people complaing about all the music being bad today. even if it is bad why would you want everyone having the same taste as you? i like it that most teenagers have bad taste in music today, it makes people with better taste look better. don't you think? i like making fun of mcr and fob fans its fun!

Aren't these lyrics amazing?

i actually really like it. Its really sad and it really describes the way you feel when you have a broken heart

Who do you think is going to win the game packers or bears?

i would have to say bears because of 3 people julius peppers, matt forte, and devi hester but i think the packers are going to hit the bears hard with there defense.

Were the Spanish & British kings jealous at the Aztec and Mayan Kings during America's invasion of 1521 ?

As for being jealous, the Europeans were not jealous of their wisdom, for the Europeans had their own wise men, but they were greedy and wanted all of the treasure that was there. In the books I have read, many of the conquerors in fact used these "wise men" to their advantage. Some of the Spanish learned the language in order to communicate with the natives. As it turns out, they only used the native wise men to get deeper into their societies to loot their treasure. Then later after the region was colonized, these men were used as a way to find secrets about the pagan religions that were practiced illegally., and to bring them to "justice."

Ok im worried can you skip a period plz hlp 10 pnts?

t except for a little then dinner that's it and i got a puppy so im running around constantly or im exercising and ive been kinda stressed so is there a problem or what and can stress make your hair fall out a Little more

My red ligth's on the ps3 controller keep flashng but never come on?

i restarted my ps3 all over because it keep showing in black and white now i restarted so it's lke i frist get it back it say's thati need to pug my usb line in and put the controller on it and i did that but the red ligth's on the controller keep flashing and never coming on which s really weior do i need a new controller or is it just not acting rigth? PLESEA HELP

Dont you wish Harold Camping believers would take the more traditional Cultist route?

What happened to the good ole days when Cultists drank arsenic koolaid on the supposed last day on Earth? I mean that can only benefit the human genetic pool. I personally dont want these people breeding.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Isn't it wonderful that the number of federal workers earning $150,000 has doubled since Obama took office?

Oh, yes! More voters for the Democrats. Too bad dems couldn't get a majority of voters on the govt dole..er, uh, payroll.

Ninjitsu came from japan?

As far as most people who are educated on this subject are concerned, ninjitsu is an art that was created in the image of the Shinobi (correct term for the ninja). No one can prove that it is the original art of the ninja because there is very little information on them due to their way of life. Ninja were often members of the lower/lowest cast in Japan who carried out the dishonourable work such as spying, ination, and espionage. Because of this, war lords would not have kept records of their dealings with the ninja for fear of being accused of dishonourable conduct. Due to this there is very little information of the ninja, we know they existed, but beyond that we only know a bit about how they functioned. From descriptions of them in historical doents, we have an idea that they were often skilled in acrobatics very similar to what people practice in freerunning and parkour, dirty fighting, and camouflage. Anything beyond this is mostly speculation, and information taken from Chinese and Japanese legends and myths.

Christians: was god crazy?

he a perfect being made us imperfect beings. gave us ten commandments, decided we were too stupid, decided he would send his son (who is actually himself) to save us from the punishment that he imposed on his creations in the first place. why is this omniscient being doing all of this?

Would u like Paula Abdul to stay on American Idol?

Cuz I heard that she is gonna leave as she thinks that Kara Dioguardi came in as the 4th judge to take over her place after awhile!

GF broke up with me but she never really wanted to?

So what was her reason for breaking up? it sounds like she is confused, maybe has feelings for someone else or cheated, she seems a little guilted out and doesn't know how to face it. Or she is just emotionally confused. Is this a teen girl? all you can do is try to get her to open up with all she is feeling, then deal with it maturely, she may need time to sort out all that is confusing her. She clearly doesn't know what she wants and that is common with a younger girl or inexperienced one.

I really didn't understand a Jehovah's Witness I ran into at the hospital, could another witness explain?

We got to talking, he said he'd never been in one before and then I told him that I had been there more times than I could count and I started recounting some of my stories. When I got to the part where I had to have a blood transfusion which came directly from my father he backed away, he told me that I was tainted and that my Dad was evil and he should have just let me die. Huh?

What really exacly happened during metaphase and anaphase of M phase in interphase of the cell cycle?

We all know that during either mitosis (the production of 2daughter cells with the same diploid state of the parent cell) or meiosis ( the production of daubghter cells with half the chromosomalnuber that of the parent cell) of the cell cycle, the chromosomes before anaphase lined up themselves at the equitorial plane of the cell. At this point what is really going on inbetween centromeres before proanaphase?

Will Global Warming policy lead to death for tens of millions of people to save a few fluffy animals?

The next ice age will be in 23,000 years. By then, if man is around, technology will exist beyond what we now know.

Rate my personal deck...?

This deck is very bad. It is full of random cards that suck. Search online for better ways to use the Elemental Heroes.

What is the best way to get back at someone who broke your heart?

ignore them for eternity. seriously. thats the worst thing you can do. if you see them, dont act differently or anything. just look right through them. if they talk to you. completely ignore them. it'll drive them crazy.

President nixon?

what is nixon's policy of detente and what changes did he made in the U.S. relationships with china and russia?

Help with an essay introduction regarding Lord of the Flies?

The essay topic is "What are some of the reasons suggested by Lord of the Flies that evil triumphs over good?" So far I want to incorporate that evil triumphs over good through basic human nature if not held in check by the confines of society. Humans are naturally destructive and savage. Now don't go saying that your not going to be doing my homework for me or w/e i just really need a good grade on this and I could use some help. I appreciate any help or tips.

Which of the bodily 'functions' of the day gives you the biggest thrill?

I have heard that a sneeze can be as rewarding as an -- I wouldn't know; can't remember the last time I had a cold. Now you hae your urination which can be pretty gratifying. Then there is the other daily emission, which I'll rate as number 2. Some like their burps and some like their yawns most. What is your favourite bodily function? Exclude the obvious! There are kids in the room -- me (mentally)!

Can you wait to cast the first ballot for a lady vp for the whitehouse?

and is obama kicking himself in his small nut sack for not picking hilary? lol,mccain is gettin insane on obama!

What can I do about my grown daughter not letting me see my grandchildren when she is mad at me?

Tell her ok if that's the way she wants it. She may be 24, but she still has alot of growing up to do.

Where can i find the pictures of actors before and after body building ?

im pretty sure tmz has n.e thing dealing with tht or just google the images w/ the actors name and put before and after

Fantasy baseball trade good or bad and for whom?

The team that got halladay, gonzo and those other players, but it could be good for the other team as well. it would depend on what other players each team has

Well premier league fans ....I'v found St Iker's school photo..!?

I was surprised with all the kaffufle in the world cup about psychic octopuses, I thought everybody knew all octopuses can predict the future?

A Limited Liability Company, or a partnership gets a business credit check, or personal?

My business partner and I just started up a Limited Liability Company....which is like a partnership only better. So, doesn't that mean our personal credit history isn't an issue? I know a sole proprietor business matters, but if you have 2 ppl (or more), how could a personal check be ran? Please, please please people who know i.e. have an llc, or work at a bank or lending co., etc...thank you in advance

How do I break up with my roommate/boyfriend?

I thought I was in love, but now I realize I was just infatuated with this man. We both thought it was going to be forever with us. We moved in together, signed a lease. Now I am not attracted to him at all. I still want to be his friend though. But that's all there is left on my part. On the other hand, he is still crazy about me. I am 25, so I should have known better to have not gotten so silly about all of this. I just got caught up in the moment and now I'm paying for it. I feel so bad about all of this mess. I don't know what to do or how to break it to him. I don't know even the first words to say. Everytime I try to bring it up, I do it wrong, and we end up still together. How can I say to him that I don't feel the same, when just a month ago I was head over heels "in love?"

What is the catalyst in this reaction?

NO is the catalyst because a catalyst is not used up in the reaction. it's the only compound that started out as a reactant and ended up as a product; it can now be reused in subsequent reactions.

Please help me, Inca vs Aztec question?

I need to write an essay about who was more advanced, the Inca civilization or the Aztec civilization. Which do you think was more advanced and why? Please give me some facts and I can base my essay off of them. Thank you sooo much.

A Priest & a Rabbi walk into a bar....?

A Priest and Rabbi walk into a a bar. They both end up unconscious on the floor. It was an iron bar.

I think I�ve re broken my metatarsal?

About threee months ago I broke my metatarsal (my foot) I was on crutches for 6 weeks, limped about for a

Why is Obama trying to use threats and fear to get people to vote for his Donkey party in 35 days from now?

When you become the Nanny State Party, sometimes you have to resort to scolding. If they don't listen, he may take away their cell phones.. His agenda needs to be squandered if the young want a competitive work environment with room to achieve greatness.

Is Kerry Collins A Hall Of Famer ..... ?

It's a simple question so don't write a book. I'm just kiddin'! Write a complete novel if you want. He has thrown for 35,000 yards and is the 15th QB to do this. I'm just wondering if you think he has a shot or not? All answers are appreciated. Thanks!

What is this piece of lab equipment called?

I am working on my science fair project report and I am trying to remember the name of a piece of lab equipment that I used for my project. I used it while diluting hydrochloric acid and it was like a small shelf to mix it on so that the fumes would go through the chimney instead of in the room. Does anybody know what this is called?

Has your Elementary school done this?

back in elementary school we always had recess. sometimes the fields would be really muddy. so when we got back for line up, of course the teachers would ask us to clean the bottom of our shoes so we would not track dirt in. but even when we did that the teachers would ask us to take of our shoes and leave them in the hall. has your elementary school teachers done this?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Should more Americans drop the biased News Media and watch C-Span instead?

That's too boring for most Americans....C-Span is to doentaries as everything else is to reality tv. Nothing but dysfunction.

If I ride my friends motorcycle am I liable for him not having tags?

I came home and my friend allowed me to test drive his motorcycle. While driving I got pulled over for an improper lane change. The cop gave me a bunch of citations for multiple things, so i got a lawyer to represent me and he got everything dropped but two things, expired or no inspection sticker and display exp license plates. The friend didnt tell me of any issues with the bike so I want to know if I can get out of these. The lawyer never called to update me and I just found out I am being charged with these. I also want to know If I can sue the lawyer because I paid him and he said he would try to keep everything of record and minimum and yet I am being charged 600 bucks for these two things and he never answered any of my calls and still wont. Any pointers... Thank you

Ella Fitzgerald song with the lyrics 'yippie yi yay' in.?

It sounds like 'Ghost Riders in the Sky', but that's doesn't sound like anything that she would sing.

Why is it that alligators don't just hunt for food that is already in the water and go for food on the shoreli

I was just wondering this. Apparently, alligators in USA try to hunt for food on land more often than going for fish in the water.

Did Nazism borrow its ideas from Islam?

There are many similarities between the two. Evil will take many forms. When one is put down another will soon appear. We have seen the nazis, the communists and now it's islam.

Help concerning the atkins diet?

on the atkins diet, can you have both an atkins shake and a bar if its under 20 carbs? im in phase 1 btw :)

Satellite Radio?

Does Sirius and XM radio work in Canada and Alaska? Does it work all over the globe including Australia and Western Europe? How does it work? What does the satellite in space look like? Is there more than one Satellite? Is there a Satellite for every channel? What are the odds of the Satellite getting knocked out of orbit? How does the technology work exactly? And why do Trees buildings and freeway overpes block out my reception sometimes?

Concerta withdrawal effects ? not sure please help ?

Yes it sounds like you're having withdrawals after stopping it suddenly. It's also possible it's been supressing your drive which is starting to come back again. Seeing as you've resumed your dose you'll probably feel back to normal in a few days.

Will the Steelers D get exposed this year?

I mean their p D is borderline bad, they'll lose at least 1 of their 2 top corners and putting William Gay as your starter is insulting the other teams WR. Sure they drafted some corners but none were highly touted coming out of college. Meanwhile their division rival ravens grabbed perhaps the most talented CB in Jimmy smith and the bengals got both a super freak in AJ green and a very capable qb in Andy Dalton. All I'm saying is I think if the steelers don't upgrade their secondary they might spend a few seasons being 3rd in their division.

If spot reducing is untrue, why do people still do oblique (love handle) /abs exercises?

Doing exercise for specific areas eg the abdominals or obliques tones and strenthens that area even if it doesnt reduce the fat. If you do it in conjunction with burning off fat you will be leaner and have a toned body.

A poll:Do you think the widespread acceptance of social liberalism over the last 40yrs has been a good thing?.

Western civilization seems to have peaked about 40 years ago; this American thinks this is not a coincidence.

How did nadia Bloom get in the swamp in the first place?

nadia bllom as im sure you have heard on tv was found in a swamp in florida. they were alligator infested waters but my question is how did she get ther in the first place

Pleeeaaseee! The Day I Left The Womb?

Well that's a sad song basically and not a beautiful song. A similar song would be Godspeed by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. The songs have the same meaning but from a different prospective.I guess you would need to tie the two songs together and that's easy.

Why do girls think ALL men look better without a moustache?

I actually think facial hair is really hot, as long as it's nice facial hair. If it grows in patchy or looks like the guy hasn't finished puberty yet, then that's not a good thing, but I think it looks great on pretty much any guy that can grow it in nice and thick. I'm not a fan of big, long wiry looking beards or anything, I'd prefer it to be trimmed relatively short, but facial hair is HOT.

Any Girls waitressed at Cheetahs in Hollywood CA?

Whats it like working there? Good tips?Good crowd?Any rules as far as physical contact with customers?Thanks soo much!

How do i sprint faster?

ok i am a 12 year old boy 5'2 102 pounds my 100 meter record is 17 sec and i want to know how to get to about 14 or 15 ive got athletics carnival coming up and athletics training tomorro so i want to know how to run faster 100m 200m and 400m

Would you let your spouse spend time alone with an EX?

If your spouse has (or hypathecial has) a now platonic friend who they used to date or had some kind of ual relationship with. Would you be comfortable with them going to lunch or dinner alone? What if this friend also was very flirtatious with your spouse (grabbing their or asking to, saying "you know I love you", and talking/joking about ual things)?

Scorpio, Can someone help me out here?

You can't figure it out because astrology is meaningless dribble. There is not a shred of evidence that birth date has any thing whatever to do with a person's life. None.

Ive had my period for abut 2weeks and 5 days, is there something wrong?

ivehad my period now for about 2 weeks and 5 days, its the first time his has ever happended, and im 13 years old. i dont live with my mum, only my dad, so i cant talk to him about it, and i dont know if there is something wrong or not? also its been heavy the whole time, help please.

Are my rabbits play chasing, or are they fighting?

I've been bonding my rabbits for a little over a week now and theyve been going great. they love to groom and snuggle with each other. however sometimes (especially at night!) one of them will flatten their ears and run at the other and they'll start chasing each other. theres no t or biting, but their are tails raised and their ears are back. after a few seconds theyre fine again and start to cuddle more. is this fighting, or are they just playing?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Feeling sick after taking adderall 30mg?

i started taking aderall last friday and it was 35mg and i felt fine and stuff and didnt eat or anything. then i took another one on sat and again i felt fine. i didnt take it sunday. today is monday and i took a 30mg adderall at like 930 this morning after eating a pop tart. i've felt fine all day up until about 5pm then i started to become nauseous. i still feel really sick. why is this?? and can is it okay to take a 1 mg klonopin now ??

How do you clean a suede coat?

Quote from dry cleaners was �50 - it only cost �15 in a sale. Just needs sprucing up. Any suggestions?

What kind of High school pda?

So I just asked this girl last night to be my girlfriend. Now I have had girlfriends in the past, but it has been over summer so the high school pda was naturally easy. However, I got a girlfriend yesterday and I was wondering how high school "new" couples should act in public. I figured I would hold her hand, but other than that, I might just kiss her bye when we leave school. Is that too much or too little?

How can i get my cat to stop biting and scratching me?

I have an approx 1yr 2mo old female calico cat. Shes healthy and eats regularly with plenty of fresh water. I cant get her to stop biting and scratching me. My fiancee and Roxy (the cat) get along well, but with me shes totally different. Im the main one that takes care of her(feeding her, cleaning her litter, water, etc) and she totally hurts me allllll the time. I pick her up to pet her or she will lay on me and out of nowhere, she will latch on to my hand or arm biting me. Most times she makes small punctures in the top of my hand from biting me because i cant get her to let me go. Another thing is she will follow behind me when i walk through my apartment and put her 2 front paws on the back of my calf and try to scratch me and or bite me. My fiancee and i try to use a squirt bottle of water to get her off counters or tables and it seems to work temporarily. If she bites me to where i cant get her off my hand, i will pop her on the and she will stop. I dont like hiting but thats What works.

Im a member of demonoid and want to trade invite code with a member from ozone-torrent?

You can get in ozone by donating 2euro's - a href="http://www.ozone-torrents.org/otsignup.php" rel="nofollow"http://www.ozone-torrents.org/otsignup.p…/a

Saw my friends mum naked, how do I stop thinking about her?

This may or may not be anywhere close to youre situation. My boyfriend/livein is 17years younger than me and he said he done the same thing with me. He is younger than two of my daughters and if we were married he would probably be the youngest grandfather in history .lol He or gramps is 25 years old i'm 42 and have three daughters 27, 26, 21 a son 14 and three grandsons. We don't see age as a number. We see the inside and thats what counts. My man says to tell you it is true what they say about older women they sure know how to please a man!!

So when should we expect Ferguson to call himself arrogant?

Why should he, there are enough of the envious, anti-United crowd around like you to do that for him.

If you won the California State lotto would you get any money the same day you turn in the ticket?

no i didnt win but if i would win i would like to know so i can plan on when i can start my spending spree...........

2001 Dodge Neon Power Steering Problem:?

My power steering is going out on my Neon. Last week it started making a squeaky and somewhat clunky noise when I turned sharply. I thought it was ice up in the mechanism, but we had a big thaw and the noise didn't go away. As this week progresses, I am initially without power steering for a longer and longer time. Eventually after driving for about ten minutes or more, the power steering turns on but still makes noises, and sounds like grinding when I turn. Can anyone diagnose this problem, and give me an estimate about how much work it will be and expected costs?

To reduce dielectric constant of a solvent/solution what we need to do..?

.is this a basis for the precipitation of DNA by ethanol? i need a clear answer in a basic way...i hope yahoo answers will do...

Who likes Raw Oysters?

I love raw oysters. I live on the alabama coast and we have great oysters here. (yes, I'm still eating the ones I get despite the oil spill). However, I was fortunate enough to work in a restaurant that would feature oysters from other parts of the US. The best ones were from Washington State. The Hood estuaries. Cleanest tasting oysters ever.

I just purchased a one time fee from izuneaccess for downloading songs onto my zune?

it made me down load something from ares and winamp. i can not figure out how to get them onto my zune (mp3) player now! im so frustrated! please help me. ive already paid the 35.00 dollars!

Can i get goldfish help?

We bought a 50 gallon tank we are using a flu-val 4plus filter, we had 3 fancy goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. we let the tank set up, went and bought 2 more fancy goldfish (mostly as testers) they was fine in the tank, we added our other three 48 hours later now they all lay on the bottom of the tank. they eat well, filter is running, we have plenty of air the temperature stays about 72, the same as the other tank. they don't go on their sides just lay at the bottom.

Why would I want to build my "credit score" whilst being fleeced at 34.9% interest?

They're all out to make money..and they know that many people just think of the credit not the interest...I'm avoiding these.

Does anybody out there know if a Farmville is safe on The Face Book?

Somebody I know on The Face Book has asked me to become part of a farm. I would like to know if anybody has any knowledge of this and what it would entail. I already belong to several charities and clubs and I would not like to feel obligated into giving time working on a farm at my age. Harold was an animal lover; we have two dachshunds and I know that pets make very good friends. I suppose I am worred that I will not build ties with farm animals as they are working animals and not pets, but I suppose I would meet other people. It would be nice to meet more people now that Harold cannot drive me to see my lovelies, Richard and Graham. Felicity

Ex-Boyfriend Trouble!?

Okay so my boyfriend dumped me about a month ago after 11 months of dating. When he broke up with me he didnt really give an excuse he just said that he "fell out of love" with me. The breakup was completely out of the blue to me, we were both so excited for our 1year anniversary (or so I thought). Anyways last week my friend who's still in high school had her 18th birthday party and invited me to go. My ex and I used to hang out with her when we were together so I figured I'd invite him to see if he'd wanna go (also because I just wanted to hang out with him outside of the 3 college cles we have together). He eagerly agreed when I asked him to go and a friend of mine plus him all went to the party together. As soon as he got their my friend *Becky* instantly started asking him "WHY DID YOU DUMP MY BEST FRIEND" and eventually he got in her face and almost hit her screaming at her for no reason. I had to literally drag him out the room and on the way out he punched my friends wall of her house (which is so out of character for him, he's the really quiet shy type). Outside he's on the brink of tears and he's screaming "She means nothing to me, i dont care about what Becky's saying" and I asked "then why did you react so violently when she was questioning you about dumping me?" and he didn't give a clear answer. Later he calmed down and everything was going back to normal and we were all talking and I dont recall exactly WHY it happened, but my ex looked at me (in front of everyone) and goes "Why did you invite me here tonight huh? Did you think I'd get back with you? Cuz I'm not, you'll see in the end. I DONT LIKE YOU" and I was completely embared and walked away because of his arrogance. My friends all started yelling at him "why the hell did you go to a HIGH SCHOOL party that your EX-GIRLFRIEND invited you too if you dont like her in some way?" and he goes "I came because she asked me too..." I just need someone's help and help me understand him because it just seems like his actions are contradicting his words. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

When was the last time you had rabbit stew?

I Had rabbit stew last week after we found a butcher that sold rabbit,We shall be having i again,Sorry Jessica,

During your two week wait did you experience headaches and cramping and still got a BFP?

Also is it normal for your stomach to hurt when you have gas when your pregnant and but when you release it it stops? STMI !

What do you think of these horses?

conformation wise? We need better pictures. like profile shots of them squared up standing. By looks, the grey is very attractive. Very long stride. But both of them are very cute.

One Bedroom House - Electric/Gas Recommendations?

I am about to buy a one bedroom victorian house for just myself to live in (Deal in Kent if this has any bearing on the question) and am confused by the different energy providers, does anyone have any recommendations? There is gas central heating, a combi boiler, a shower attached to the boiler (ie not electric), and an electrical hob and oven. I work 9-5 and so will be using my services in the evening/early morning.

What am I doing wrong?

A regular one or a diaper genie 2? You do have to push it down past the plastic teeth gripper thingys before you shut the lid and turn the thingy on top. And sometimes you do have to turn it more than once, but always you'll have to turn it three or four times with the first diaper.

Should I call my doctor if I've had a Christmas Ornament stuck in my for two days?? Serious Answer?

I was setting up my holiday decoration earlier this week and in an unfortunate fall off my ladder I found my self landed perfectly on a medium sized glittered ornament. It has been lodged in my cavity for over two days now and I am beginning to think I should seek professional istance, but thought I would ask here first.

In pease, smooth seeds are dominant to wrinkled seeds. When a plant with smooth seeds was crossed with a plant

having wrinkled seeds, 50% of the offspring were smooth and 50% were wrinkled. What does this indicate about smooth-seed parent? A. it was zygous recessive B. it was zygous dominant C. it was probably "true-breeding" D. its genotype is unknown E. it was heterozygous

Alligator Mating... Is it likely for an alligator to do his "mating call" out of water?

it is pretty weird reading your story but after what happen to me in Florida ..... anyway I do believe that the alligator could have came out of the pond and started mating but climbing over the fence is pretty hard to believe....... glad your okay.

Which one of the folllowing poems is an english sonnet?

It must be the last one because the first is free verse and the second and third are written in rhymed couplets.

Yet another muslim soldier at Fort Hood?

Usually, if you refuse a deployment you will get punished under the UCMJ. I'm not sure why someone joins the military though and then decides to war dodge. What's the whole point to that?

Poll - Do you ever wear nude tights (A.K.A. pantyhose)?

Yes I wear nude or tan pantyhose most days and that's in the first place because I like wearing them. I agree with Kendra. I don't understand what all the complaining about pantyhose is about. They are not constricting or itchy, they look and feel good and I find them very comfortable.

How can i get ares back on my computer?

i lost it awhile back when i had a virus scan going on and it thought it would harm my computer so somehow ares just left and i really want it back. any ideas on how i can get it?

What do I need to do to convert to catholicism?

I was baptized baptist when i was very young, Now i have a wife and kids and would like to convert, also my kids have not been baptized yet

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Spirituality : What is the difference between Gautama Siddhartha and Gautama Buddha?

Siddharth was his name before he was Initiated in BrahmGyan from his Guru Saint Sujata. After he was Initiated in BrahmGyan he saw God's divine light inside and self realized. means "उसे ज्ञान का बोध हुआ और बोध होने के कारन उसे गौतम बोध कहने लगे" but as time ped his Bodh name was changed to Buddha. like in bangali Vasu is changed to Boss etc. Buddha is Slang and in actual his name was Gautam Bodh. for example still there are many monuments which called "Bodhgaya" why it is not changed to Buddhagaya.? and Nirvana means Moksha which he attained when he left the world. and there is NOT any Tantra which he attained that was called "BrahmGyan" in which one can realized him self and see Atam and Parmatna within body. check out this site to understand what is BrahmGyan www.djjs.org

Has anyone here read the 7th Harry Potter book , and what do you think?

I've just finished the book a few days ago and i loved it, but i'm a little upset Sirius and Dumbledore didnt come back, and i'm shocked with what it said about Snape, I love harry potter so much I made a harry potter drawing book, What did you think of it?

Does this seem safe as a filming location?

Exactly what waiting fro hollywood said. But, i'd just like to add that i'd be sure to bring a cell phone and also let a friend know where you are and tell them that you'll text them tell them if its okay or not.

Will the Repubs. nominate a religious zealot like Palin or Huckabee in 2012 to please the religious wing?

I think Romney could win in the south. The nomination of Palin would guarantee a win for Obama. I just don't think the nomination will go to either Palin or Huckabee.~

Winner of a California Mega-Millions Lotto?

Today I received an email from the California Lottery, informing me that I won? Problem was, said payable lump sum will be coming from the Central Bank of West Africa? Although when I checked the lottery's home site, it said there that they indeed send out email messages to people chosen to receive a percentage of unclaimed winnings from both Mega-Millions and Super Lotto Plus. But then, isn't that too good to be true? I'm flabbergasted. I'm thinking that, since the money is in West Africa, there's got to be a mistake somewhere. It smells of a phishing scam. Any thoughts?

What happened in China?

Ight i only learn that there was an earthquake in China when i read the press. Then i started seing it on the news and learning thousands of people died. I can't believe so many people died in just 1 quake. Tell me how many minutes did it last, what time, what day? Cos it just happen so sudden..Thank You

Women.. Would you snitch on your man to the cops! (read details)?

No, because if I already knew what he was doing,and accepted or supported him anyway, why would I now decide to turn snitch when the police come around just because im under a little pressure or inconvenience, that just seems so fake to me, if that was the case wouldnt it make more sense to not get in a relationship with someone doing illegal activity, if I was going to snitch...huh

ASAP! What is Venezuela's favored solution for the Palestine Conflict?

Right now their President supports the destruction of Israel. He has become friends with the President of Iran.

WHATS a really good place to adopt a pug?


Which of the following are ADVANTAGES to nuclear fuel?

Out of all of those, B is the 'good' one. That is if you believe in global warming or 'climate chaos' as I've heard some people call it. However there much more benefits than just that. A nuclear power plant costs about 10 billion dollars, and can pay for itself in .7 months. That's how cost effective these things are.

In humans multiple alleles are involved in the inheritance of?

The best answer is probably blood types, A, but the question is worded poorly. "Multiple" means more than 1, and technically both answers A and D involve "multiple" alleles. Standard blood types you learn in high school involve several alleles from two loci. The text book example for sickle cell involves two alleles for one locus. The question was likely meant to read "multiple loci," which is why I think A is the best answer.

Could someone please help me write a proper argument?

I am, without a doubt, in dire need of istance in writing a flawless argument. You see, I have many problems. I shall elaborate on these problems. I come from a "developing" country, so the education there, though at times can match that of Great Britain, is sorely lacking. Another of my problems is that I was unfortunate enough to have been taught by the most incompetent english teachers at my school. For my sake, I would really not like to blame them for my failures, but not blaming their incompetence would be lying. The greatest of my challenges has been my emotional battle. The school, you see, is quite, how do you say? Unpleasant. With regard to the students, but this aside, I was wondering if I could get someone kind enough to teach me how to write a proper argument. As well as the statistical report. Though the task I have requested of you may sound quite easy, to me they are quite daunting. Without a doubt, I have no one else to blame other than the incompetent ones who were suppose to have fill my young brain with the proper knowledge. So again I ask, is anyone up to the challenge of answering this question? Please be precise, especially with the "big words". I do not want to sound like an idiot, but my vocabulary is sorely lacking. Had I been given the opportunity at an early age to perfect it, along with my Grammar I would've done so. I bid you all a good day!

Relationship between land conservation and urban sprawl?

A city that grows sustainably has to keep in mind the economic and social well being of the people besides just maintaining natural habitats untouched. But it should never forget the importance of environmental sustainability or leave it in a distant third place. City developers need to balance all three aspects so that cities grow in an orderly way and not rampant wise. It would be good for them to be environmental urbanist.

My fish have lost there colour?

earlier today i went out and turned the tank light off, but when i got back about 5 hours later and turned the light on my black neon tera and my cardinal tetra had lost there colour and had gone a light colour. Is this normal or is there an underlying problem??

Where do you think serve the best roti canai and teh tarik ?

In Kuching the best Roti Canai is at Tok Janggut at Chow Lin Park while the best Teh Tarik is at Salim Lintas Plaza Kota Kinabalu even the West Malaysian says that it taste better than in Semenanjung

Can shawn marion rebound good as a PF?

Well Marion is a PF and he can pretty much do what ever he wants on the court. He is very athletic and had a great sense of the court. His quickness plays a huge part in his ability. He can rebound as good as any other big time rebounder.

When i will receive a shock?

Although wood is a poor conductor, it can still conduct electricity. So if you apply enough voltage, you will be shocked.

How will Liberals & Democrats celebrate everything becoming Republicans fault tomorrow?

I know in their minds it will absolve Obama from everything " like they needed an excuse " but im guessing some will get my point and the others will just insult like always(Libs/Dems) or since I don't happen to agree with Obama on just about everything im a racist, uneducated, bigot, all the other things you like to call a Conservative, right?

Line on HPT not getting darker....?

Hi everyone! I am thrilled to say I received my BFP on Dec 20 at 10 DPO. I am a POAS-aholic and have taken MANY tests since the first one. My question is--why is the line not getting any darker? It is there, for sure but no where near the practically burgundy control line. I will say that the tests I am using are cheapy because I go through so many (sorry DH) but I am nervous that HCG is not rising. Could this be? Thanks in advance!

Can Toyota Corolla Altis 2007 drift?

I have a Toyota Corolla Altis 2007 model. This car is a FWD and automatic transmission. I want to know if it can drift? If yes, can you tell me how to drift? Do I have to modify the e-brake? If cant drift, what are other things i can do beside drifting, can I do tire burning? I tried to do it, but it lasted only for a second and the car will move. This is how i do tire burning. Pull the e-brake full and raise the accelerator while the gear is on neutral and quickly move it to drive when the rpm is high and the tire skid for like a seconds lol. Can you suggest me how to make it better. Thanks

What does the following phrase mean?

If I remember right from studying Buddhism some years ago, the idea that when one dies they are reincarnated in the never ending process to achieve enlightenment, thus life or the things in it are constantly changing.

Why is it things that are bad for us now wheren't back in grannies days?

both grandparents are late 90's til this day dont watch a diet n are not fat can move fairly well have no real issues besides lil memory lost still eat bacon,eggs,burgers etc. 1 of my grandma drink liter pepsi daily grandpa drink pint rum a day n they well so why now all this obssession with fats and sugar........to add more my gf works in a old folks home them people junk food heads, smoke like chimmineys, yet they walk, drive shoot pool just wish they was a specialist with a good answer why the hell the better to be nicole richie skinny becuase its bad and nasty to be fat metality..

Should those offended by child labor/sweatshops go protest in front of mall/stores, hurting their wallets?

There are so many stores and brands like Nike, Puma, Reebok, Adidas, Victorias Secret, Macy's, Eddie Bauer, The Gap, Abercrombie, Old Navy, etc. that use child labor and sweatshops. Shouldn't we ACROSS THE COUNTRY go protest in front of them, run their business down in this CRITICAL time of the year and FORCE change??

Arggh embarring but i need help?

I had the same problem - shockingly painful. In the end, I have to have them surgically removed. That was back in 1995 and I've been fine ever since. Not a pleasant operation though!

What should I do for my dog?

Honestly, if there is nothing else the vet can do for her, the kindest thing you can do for her is to end her suffering. If the condition worsened in just a a few short days, it is not going to take long for her to get so bad to where she is really suffering. You need to think about her and what it means for her to be living with kidney failure. I would rather end my dog's life and end her pain than allow her to suffer. Dogs don't fear death and she will understand why you are doing it. You need to do what is best for her.

Tithes, I do not belong to a church - how can I spend my tithe?

Find a worthwhile charity and give it to them. I believe God definitely considers that a worthwhile tithe!

How can I get my cat to get along with my kitten?

sorry redspike9 but that is not normal cat behavior.also the small kitten could get really hurt.and back to allison;try to keep them away from each other just to be safe!

Do you like these pants?

a href="http://www.revolveclothing.com/b/DisplayProductDetail.jsp?product=LMOS-WP19&ovpo=false&dep=&refererUrl=http%3A//www.revolveclothing.com/brandpages/LaurenMoshi.jsp" rel="nofollow"http://www.revolveclothing.com/b/Display…/a

Why did Michael Jackson change his face from African features to European ones?

It has been said by Michael, that his father called him ugly when he was a teenager, because of his acne. I don't think he had 50 operations on his face. And whats wrong with him having children with a white women? My husband is black and I'm white, and we have a daughter, that doesn't mean my husband doesn't want to be black.

Will anybody believe that Wen Jiabao really wants freedom of speech?

No one believes in whatever Wen Jiabao says. I have been complaining to Wen Jiabao about the kind of crap I get called "food", but they don't listen to me. I even posted it on Twitter but they blocked it out. They told me "eat or be eaten", ironic.

My Friend likes me but does not like to play with me at school because she say no one likes me???

I have to say that this girl doesn't seem at all like a true friend. If someone acts differently when around you and other people, they are most likely embared to be your friend and trying desperately to be cool and fit in. You should confront her away from school when there are no pressures around her. Tell her how you feel and ask her why she is acting the way she is. Hopefully, she'll admit that she is being a jerk and she'll be your friend again! If not, she's really not the kind of friend you need. I'm not telling you not to be her friend, because it seems like she is very important to you. Im just telling you that you guys need to talk, and something has to be done.

Boat Hull Outer Layer...?

the outer layer of the hull is gel coat available at any marine supply can even be tinted to match if needed cut the damn pokers off the trailer before you end up with a hole in it

What is the judicial power of President and which condition to user this?

The only reason the President can excercise legal authority is only after Marshall law has been declared. And Throught history that has only happend once. during the Civil War. so if you want to learn a lesson from history, there it is my friends. No current President has ever declared, or threatend to declare, Marshall law and had a job after that.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How is the situation of Malaysia if all Indon maids run back to Indonesia?

Either get maids from Myanmar or Sri Lanka, whose salaries are affordable or every employer gets properly briefed before getting them. Employers should be educated or literate too, besides being reasonable. A better system should be thought out by the government and not left to the employment agencies who are out there just to make fast bucks. Just a thought.

What does a 2nd or 3rd generation MP3 player mean?

I'm technologically illiterate!!! I'm purchasing a new MP3 player from ebay and in the descriptions it states 2nd or 3rd generation. Does that mean that one has older technology than the other? Which is which??

My real uggs have been in the rain, they aren't soft anymore and have creases in? is it too late to fix?

i have been out a few times when it has been raining, now my uggs have gone hard on the outside and have creases around the front area? i heard getting the ugg protector can help but is it too late? can this fix it if i use the shampoo or protector etc?? i have been in contact with asos who i bought them from and they said i should of used the protector but they didnt make it very clear!

Republicans: Why did Bush veto the spending measure for health and education programs?

Lets see, museums for prisons, sailing lessons, Portuguese as a second language are among the things the bill would have paid for. Weapons systems defend the country. What good does sailing lessons provide?

The major product from the treatment of trans-pent-2-ene with Cl2 is:?

If treated with Cl2 in an organic solvent, you should get a halogenated product, that being 2,3-dichloropentane. I'm not sure exactly what you're confused on so hopefully the mechanism should clear up any issues a href="http://www.chemtube3d.com/model/electrophilic_addition/stereoselectivity/butene/mechanism.png" rel="nofollow"http://www.chemtube3d.com/model/electrop…/a

GUPPY EMERGENCY! MY Guppy is on the bottom of the tank and he can't move! Pleas help!?

He looks like he is dead, he is just sitting there. I know he isn't because one of his fins are moving. I tapped on the tank and he didn't move (It looked like he was trying though.) I pushed the pebbles away to make sure he wasn't stuck and he just floated to another spot! Is there anything I can do to save him? My other fish seem fine!

Would I need permission for this ..?

For children in need me and as many people as we can get are going to walk round a shopping centre in our PJ's. Do you think we would need permission from the shopping centre to do this ?

How Sad does it feel to be a Leeds and Charlton Fan?

Slightly differently - Leeds were great once and it must hurt like mad to be where they are. Charlton know in their hearts that they are not a big club and are probably just biding their time until they can get back into the Championship.

Do I have a disease and what is the name of it?

The more weight you gain the more problems you will have.Because of the weight gain there is a fluctuation with your hormones.Females who gain excessive weight will start to get these as well(they will even begin to grow hair in places they did not have it before).Losing hair and dry scalp can be caused by diabetes(it can also cause dry skin in places and dark,hard patchy spots).You really should see a doctor ASAP.

What is tracker?!?!?

Okay, so i was checking my computer, and i found a tracker cookie? I did a little further research and found that you can only get one if you visit sites. I have no interests in , nor have I myself been on any site. At least not intentionally. This my own personal laptop, so not very many people get on it besides my friends and I, and although some of my friends do watch , i doubt they would on my laptop. anyways, I dont know if or how to get these cookie things off my computer, and i cant ask my parents for help because i dont know if theyll believe me when i say im not watching . Can i get these cookies off, and is there any way to prevent them? what do they do, anyways? could i have possibly have gotten this cookie from anywhere else?

I need songs about how drinking ruins lives!!! Please help?

2 Pina coladas by Garth Brooks and I'll Be Blue For You by the Oak ridge Boys And that song Daddy's gettin round mama's way of thinkin by Paul Overstreet

Would anyone like to rephrase this?

His overall conclusion on the matter is that the government should not subsidize relationships through the legal recognition of same- marriage.

Lab spayed, now urinating frequently.?

I'm hoping that this will have a straightforward answer! My 7 month lab was spayed 2 days ago and after being a bit groggy on the day we brought her home she has been rcovering well, back to her old self really. However I noticed this morning that when she goes out to pee, she is doing quite a long one, followed by not being able to come back in without trying to squeeze a few more drops out up to 5 times more. It's like she wanders round the garden squatting again and again. It's most unlike her. Is this just post-operative discomfort, or something more sinister? All advice valued!

Y&R Spoilers for Friday's show?

I am looking forward to this Jamie character......sounds interesting....and hopefully Heather checks the DNA on the cup....I just want someone to get to the bottom of things...(and we know it won't be P.I. Paul) ....before Jack has to sign himself into the cuckoo ward.

I wrote a poem yesterday, and have now edited it to make it better, can you tell me what you think?

wow thats extremely good i wish i had your talent i feel it doesnt need anything else to make it better :) good job

Titanic,Drawing scene?

I saw an interview with Kate Winslett shortly after the film came out. She said that the drawing scene was the first scene that she and Leo shot together. She was very excited about working with him, but very nervous about stripping off in front of him.

What do I feed this tiny bird ?

Just found what I think is a starling , finch or sparrow. Its half the size of my thumb with feathers on its wings but not its body. Its eaten some pronutro ( a very fine cereal ) its also taken water from a small syringe. I would really like to save it and release it when its old enough. Please help me .

Should I make this trade in fantasy basketball?

Yes make the trade. Kevin love can help you big on the boards. He's getting roughly 15-16 a game. Jrue holiday could help you in ist if he is on his game. Dorell wright well he is just there

Do you think ecw will pay tribute to chris benoit tonite?

i personaly don't think they should because of what he did but do think they will pay tribute anyways?

How Much Change can we Stand?

You said it. And this whole sub-prime lending thats gotten the economy into trouble.. that began when the Clinton administration ped laws to let that happen to get banks to lend to people with iffy credit in order to boost the economy.

How do I win a no seat belt ticket ? The seat belt was on all the time. Trooper claimed it wasn't.?

this happened to my Wife. She was going to town and was pull over by a trooper. he asked why she did not have the seat belt on and it was on all along. She is steamed and so am I. her word against his so I guess she don't stand a chance. One more thing is that we had friends who witnessed her put it on before she left and was right behind her right up until the trooper cut them off to pull her over. He was angry and rude to her when he came to her window. He pulled her over as she was on her way to get a tag for the car we just bought. He was doing the limit and had insurance but no tag, She was on the way to get it .

Which is worse? The return of Vick or Favre?

Neither.....both are good for the league. All of the crying and whining about both QB's will be put to rest once the winning starts. Both teams were positioning themselves to be playoff bound at the beginning of the season without either player. Favre will shoulder more of the blame than Vick will if the Vikings fail to make it to the playoffs. From a league standpoint, both players will continue to sell tickets regardless of the whining and crying of several PETA members and a couple dozen Favre haters.