Thursday, November 10, 2011

What's better one great player or an overall good team?

Okay, I hate to diss my peeps, but Auburn fans seriously. You know what sucks? We've got one good player. LITERALLY. One good player. So personally I don't care if he's better then Tebow, he's one guy. Our team is crap. Our defense is crap. And it's gonna come back to bite us in the backside. We're scraping by on luck most of the time. I honestly and I hate to say this but I don't think we should be number one. Bama's better then us. Oregon's better. Oklahoma's better. Ohio State's better. Heck Boise's better! I think it's more important to have an okay team as a whole rather then one great player? What do you think (Not just about Auburn)? Is having one great player better then having a good team as a whole?

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